Head, Heart and Hand Holidays specialise in building wash houses for rural and remote school communities that meet our assessment criteria.

Poor hygiene is responsible for 10,000 deaths annually in Cambodia. 

Giving a child access to basic hygeine (hand washing/ tooth brushing) can prevent deaths and serious illness caused by such "simple" things as diarreah and tooth infections. 

Head, Heart and Hand Holidays aim to give 10,000 children access to wash house facilities within the next 5 years.  

Education, awareness and good hygiene saves and empowers lives in Cambodia.

Our volunteers build 1 wash house per group and pack and deliver over 1500 toiletry kits.

 If you are supporting one of our volunteers please let us know on our youcaring page by writing a message of support to them when you make your donation.



Thank you so much for your open-hearted generosity,

The Head, Heart and Hand team xx